Brewing Big Success: Bob Sylvester

At just 46 years old, Bob Sylvester embarked on an exciting adventure with his wife-to create a brewery in a warehouse near the Gulf of Mexico: Saint Somewhere. Turning Bob's Belgian-style brewing aspirations into a reality, this shoestring operation has seen tremendous success and now boasts hundreds of satisfied customers from all around the nation!

The Story of Bob Sylvester and His Saint Somewhere Brewery

Bob Sylvester was approaching his mid-40s when he and his wife decided to take a chance. Forgoing the safe and established, they instead chose to embark on an entrepreneurial journey and start their own brewery. Little did they know that nearly two decades later, their brewery would become one of the most beloved in the entire nation.

Their brewery, named Saint Somewhere, is quietly tucked away in a small warehouse near the Gulf of Mexico. Despite its seemingly diminutive size and limited resources, Bob Sylvester and his creation have managed to make a name for itself with both critics and patrons alike.

The Alliance of Craft Beer

Saint Somewhere is a true one-man show, with Bob Sylvester having sole creative control over all of the brewery's endeavors. But despite its small size, the brewery has still managed to become a member of the Alliance of Craft Beer, an elite association composed of the world's most passionate independent brewers.

The Alliance of Craft Beer was founded in 2000 to ensure that the craft beer industry would remain vibrant and competitive. The group's primary objective is to maintain an ethical marketplace where all craft beers can be enjoyed by those that choose to purchase them. With its powerful network of independent brewers and dedicated members, the Alliance has had a remarkable trackrecord of success.

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The Brewery's Unique Style and Point of Difference

Saint Somewhere's unique style and point of difference truly sets it apart from the other craft beers on the market. Bob Sylvester is committed to producing beers that focus on the finest Belgian ingredients and processes available. While this may limit the brewery's production capabilities, it ensures that each beer retains a high level of quality and taste that consumers have come to expect.

Tasting Notes:

  • Spicy White Grapes – These are the most prominent flavors in the brewery's flagship beer, the Saison Des Saints. The beer has an earthy and slightly tart taste that is complimented by a smooth, creamy finish.
  • Citrusy Orange and Coriander – This flavor combination is often found in one of Saint Somewhere's other offerings, the Golden Bob. A crisp, refreshing beer with a citrusy edge, it is the perfect selection for a summer evening.
  • Chocolate and Caramel – For those looking for something a bit darker, the Chocolate Caramel Stout is the brewery's answer. This smooth-bodied beer brings together the tasty combination of sweet chocolate and caramel.

More Than Just a Brewery

In addition to brewing an incredible selection of beers, Bob Sylvester and Saint Somewhere have also been known to bring out a smooth and succulent kegged cider for special occasions. Lauded for its crisp and subtle sweetness, Bob's Apple Cider can be found in select locations throughout the Gulf Coast region.

The brewery is also the proud brewing location for a few select craft breweries around the country. Bob Sylvester has a knack for selecting just the right ingredients and using the highest quality techniques to create some remarkable off-the-shelf and one-off beers.

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Popular Culture Objects of Esteem

Part of what has helped establish Saint Somewhere's place in the craft beer pantheon is its optimistic refrain. The brewery has become a popular culture object of esteem, found in movies and television shows and referenced in the music of some of the more popular contemporary acts.

It's easy to see why Bob Sylvester and his Saint Somewhere brewery have become such a hit. Saint Somewhere may be a tiny operation, run by one dedicated man, but it offers big-time taste to a nation of thirsty beer drinkers.

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