Cheesemakers and Brewers: A Match Made in Cheese Heaven

Ever wondered what happens when two culinary masters collide? Craft breweries and cheese makers have come together to create a unique combination in their finished fromage – beer! Learn more about this incredible culinary collaboration as you discover why cows don’t eat grapes and other fascinating facts about beer and cheese.

Cows Don’t Eat Grapes: The Art of Beer Cheesemaking

Cheese is one of the world’s most beloved foods, but did you know that beer can be an ingredient too? Across the country and across the ocean, several specialty cheesemakers and world-class breweries have teamed up to use beer as an ingredient in their finished fromage. The art of beer cheesemaking is a unique skill in and of itself, requiring experts to combine a world-class beer with a world-class cheese – and create something special indeed.

Let’s take a closer look at the process: What exactly is beer cheese, and why is it so popular? Who is making this type of cheese, and what exactly do they do to make it? And, of course, how can you make your own beer cheese at home? Read on to learn everything you need to know about this delightful treat.

What is Beer Cheese?

Put simply, beer cheese is any cheese made with beer as an ingredient. This could mean that the cheese is soaked or steeped in beer, or even that beer is added directly to the cheese mixture during the cheesemaking process. This type of cheese has been around for centuries, but in recent years, beer-infused cheeses have become increasingly popular as chefs and cheesemakers experiment with new flavors.

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Beer cheeses come in a variety of different styles, from mild cheddars to sharp blue cheeses. Some cheesemakers even infuse IPAs, stouts, and sours into their cheeses to add a unique flare. No matter what type of beer you use, the result will be a cheese with intense flavor and a creamy texture that’s unlike any other.

The Pros of Beer Cheesemaking

So, why bother with beer cheesemaking? There are actually quite a few advantages to using beer instead of traditional ingredients:

  • Beer adds a unique and flavorful complexity to cheese.
  • Beer-infused cheeses can easily be paired with a variety of beers or wines.
  • Beer and cheese pairings are becoming increasingly popular when dining out.

Ultimately, beer cheesemaking is a sign of the times – as chefs and brewers alike search for new and interesting ways to combine traditional foods with modern flavors. And, if done correctly, the result is sure to be a show stopper.

Who Makes Beer Cheese?

Beer cheesemaking requires a skilled hand, as the combination of beer and cheese can be tricky. That’s why many chefs and cheesemakers are turning to specialized experts who have the knowledge and expertise to make a truly great beer cheese.

One such expert is Chris Smith of Tillamook Cheese, a cheesemaker and certified cicerone. Smith has been making beer-infused cheddar cheese for over five years, and has become a master of the craft. He uses a combination of traditional cheesemaking methods and modern techniques to create a smooth, flavorful cheddar that’s sure to please.

Smith isn’t the only expert in the beer cheese business. Across the country, specialty cheesemakers and craft brewers have been experimenting with beer and cheese pairings, creating unique flavor combinations and unique products. From Trappist-style ales to barrel-aged cheddars, beer-infused cheeses offer a unique and flavorful experience.

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How to Make Beer Cheese at Home

If you’re feeling adventurous and want to try your hand at beer cheesemaking, here’s what you need to know:

  1. First, you need to select a good beer. For the best results, look for a high-quality craft beer.
  2. Next, you’ll need to select a cheese that complements the flavor of the beer. A good starting point is a mild cheddar or a blue cheese.
  3. Then, combine the two ingredients. You can either soak the cheese in the beer, or add the beer directly to the cheese mixture during the cheesemaking process.
  4. Finally, age the cheese to your desired taste. An aged beer cheese is smoother and more flavorful than a young one.

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