Uncovering the Secret of Private Label Beers

For those curious to know the truth behind private label beers, you're in for a treat. We've teamed up with breweries and bars or restaurants to reveal the secret agendas behind these collaborations or house beers. Get ready to get the inside scoop on the mutually beneficial nature of private label partnerships, and see just how they can benefit both sides involved.

By Any Other Name: The Truth About Private Label Beers.

Private label beers often capture the attention of discerning drinkers, who may be curious to learn more. Sold to consumers as collaborations or house beers, private label partnerships between breweries and bars or restaurants aim to benefit both sides. Unfortunately, not all private labels offer the same great benefits as a true collaboration. Here, we explore what these products really are and how to determine which are worth seeking out.

What Is a Private Label Beer?

A private label beer is a product marketed and sold exclusively under a bar or restaurant’s own name, rather than the brewery’s brand. It is not a collaboration between the two entities, but rather a bulk purchase of existing beer that they then resell to consumers.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Private Label Beers?

Private label beers offer some benefits to both breweries and bars and restaurants.

  • May increase brand recognition
  • Can be a way to use up excess production
  • Many allow bars and restaurants to customize the labeling
  • Allows bars and restaurants to make money on sales

On the other hand, there can be some significant downsides.

  1. Often referred to as “fake” collaborations, and thus have the potential to damage a brewery’s reputation.
  2. Often resold at a discounted rate, thus taking away from potential sales for the brewery.
  3. Often lack traceability from the brewery, and thus lack transparency.
  4. May decrease brewery loyalty within consumers.
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How to Spot a Private Label Beer

One of the most consistent markers of a private label beer is the lack of transparency regarding its production and origins. In many cases, a brewery’s name and location may not be on the label at all. Furthermore, a brewery’s website may not provide any information about its private label terms or contracts.

However, that doesn’t mean that all private label beers should be viewed negatively. The key is to look for ones that are truly collaborations between the two entities, as these are often associated with increased quality. This can be seen in many cases where a bar or restaurant will collaborate with a brewery to produce something truly unique, or a brewery will produce something for exclusive sale at a bar or restaurant.

In some cases, private labels will also be produced with ingredients sourced from the partnering business. For example, a beer brewed at a restaurant may use ingredients from that restaurant’s kitchen, or a beer produced at the brewery may use special ingredients sourced from the bar or restaurant.

Are Private Label Beers Worth Seeking Out?

The answer really depends on the specific beer and situation. If the beer is a collaboration between the two entities, then it may indeed be worth seeking out given the potential quality of the beer. Furthermore, if the beer is made with ingredients sourced from the partnering business, then it could be an interesting product to explore.

On the other hand, if the beer is simply a bulk purchase of an existing product, then it may not be worth seeking out given the potential lack of quality and transparency.

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In conclusion, private label beers can be an interesting phenomenon, yet it is important to determine what exactly one is getting. If it is a true collaboration between the two entities, then it may offer some benefits and be worth seeking out. But if it is simply a bulk purchase and re-sale, then it may not be worth the effort.

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